Tecton 移動數據終端
霍尼韋爾 Tecton MX7工業級移動數據終端為您提供性能與用戶友好型特征的優良組合。一流的供應鏈要求能滿足用戶所需、適應倉庫環境并確保企業高速運轉的移動計算解決方案。Tecton 手持式移動數據終端具有IP65工業等級、符合人體工學的舒適手柄、可拆卸的槍式手柄和運行Microsoft?Windows? Mobile 6.5或CE 6.0操作系統的高性能PXA320806MHz處理器,做好了應對各種挑戰的準備。
Tecton 移動數據終端 Accessories
MX7392BATT - Tecton Main Battery, Lithium Ion. It can also be used with MX7.
MX7396BATTERY - Tecton CS Main Battery, Lithium Ion, Low-temperature. It can also be used with MX7CS.
MX7394BATT - Tecton Main Battery, Lithium Ion, 10-pack. It can also be used with MX7
MX7398BATTERY - Tecton CS Main Battery, Lithium Ion, Low-temperature, 10-pack. It can also be used with MX7CS
MX7390CHARGER - 4 Unit Main Battery Charger with power supply and US power cord. US power cord included.
MX7391CHARGER - 4 Unit Main Battery Charger with power supply, C14 type power cord required. AC power cord is not included. A country specific power cord must be purchased separately. When this product is shipped internationally it may be necessary to order and ship the appropriate internation AC power cable at the same time. This product has a C14 style AC power connector. Choose the proper C14 style cable from the international cables in the power cable section.
MX7402HANDLE - MX7 padded handle with rubber overmold and two finger trigger, includes wrist strap, for use with MX7 and MX7CS. Rated down to -22 deg F (-30 deg C.)
MX7504WRSTSTRAP - MX7 Wrist Strap 10 Pack
MX7404CASE - MX7 Voice Application case with belt. MX7 with rubber protective boot will not fit in this case.
MX7408CASE - Carry case for MX7 without handle with Gearkeeper retractor. MX7 with rubber protective boot will not fit in this case.
MX7411CASE - Carry case for MX7 with handle. For use with retractor MX7412BELT. MX7 with rubber protective boot will not fit in this case.
MX7412BELT - Gearkeeper retractor with belt for use with MX7411CASE.
MX7A413CASENHDL - Carry case for MX7 with no handle, includes shoulder strap. MX7 with rubber protective boot will not fit in this case. Large, tethered stylus can be ordered separately for this case, 9000A510STYLUS.
MX7A414CASEHDL - Carry case for MX7 with handle, includes shoulder strap. MX7 with rubber protective boot will not fit in this case. Large, tethered stylus can be ordered separately for this case, 9000A510STYLUS.
Tecton 移動數據終端 Features and Benefits
高性能與易用性的優良結合: 視您的需求,可作手持或車載終端使用,配備55或32鍵帶背光鍵盤和ToughTalk語音技術,也可以集成多景深掃描頭,為企業提供以價值導向的靈活選擇
Adaptus? 影像技術:能夠識讀一維和二維條碼,采集數碼圖像,并支持電子簽名采集,為工作人員實現一機多用
快速可靠的無線連接: 為室內室外應用提供全面的無線覆蓋,可以實時獲取重要數據
Remote MasterMind? 遠程設備管理軟件:提供方便的設備管理方案,可遠程管理和追蹤已投入設備,降低總體擁有成本
霍尼韋爾honeywell Tecton 移動數據終端參數
物理/環境參數 體積:8.8?x 3.4?x 2?(223mm x 86mm x 50mm) 重量:21oz (595g) 含無線網卡、電池和SR激光掃描器 操作溫度:14°~ +122°F (-10° ~ +50°C) 存儲溫度:-4 ~ +158°F ( -20 ~ +70°C) 相對濕度:5~100%相對濕度 40°C時非冷凝 抗摔程度:1.5m高度到水泥地面的多次墜落(含手柄);1.8m含橡膠套附件(含/不含手柄) 環境密封防水和防塵等級經獨立認證達到IP65級 ESD 空氣放電:±15 KV 接觸放電±8 KV 系統參數 處理器:PXA320 806 MHz 操作系統:Microsoft? Windows? Mobile 6.5, Microsoft? Windows? CE 6.0 內存:256MB SDRAM x 256MB Flash 可選軟件:Wavelink TE, RFTerm?TN5250,TN3270) VT220), AppLock 工具控制用戶應用權限及不希望改變的配置,多種語言操作系統支持、語音識別、Wavelink Avalanche 、和LXE eXpress Config 兼容, Stay-Linked Ready 顯示屏:3.5?(88 mm) 240x320 ?VGA TFT 彩色LCD 觸控板:工業級觸控板,電阻觸摸式,支持指觸式和觸摸筆 鍵盤:帶背光燈的55鍵字母數字式和32鍵數字轉字母式 音頻:外接耳麥,語音識別應用認證、揚聲器(含調節音量控制) I/O接口:RS-232/USB 2.0/語音輸出/充電連接器 存儲擴展:用戶可接觸的SD存儲卡槽,支持1GB或 4GB SD存儲卡 電池:典型應用下電池壽命可支持全班次2200mAh@7.4V 掃描頭:5300 SR影像頭--帶高清激光瞄準器,SE955E激光引擎,SE955I短景深激光引擎,SE1524ER多景深Lorax激光引擎 解碼能力:識讀標準的1D和2D條碼 開發環境:用于Windows?mbedded系統的霍尼韋爾SDK開發套件 保修:1年工廠保修 服務計劃可選擇3年和5年服務計劃,確保無煩擾移動數據處理 無線連接 WLAN:802.11 a/b/g WLAN:Security WPA, WPA2 (Personal and Enterprise), 802.11x, EAP-TLS, EAP-TTLS/MSCHAPv2, PEAPv0/EAP-MSCHAPv2, PEAPv1/EAP-GTC, WMM, CWG-RF Profile, CCX v.4, WAPI WLAN 天線:內置天線 WPAN:Bluetooth? 2.0+EDR |
霍尼韋爾honeywell Tecton 移動數據終端應用