霍尼(ni)韋爾honeywell 7800數據采集器
對于需(xu)要(yao)在有限的(de)時間(jian)內完(wan)(wan)成(cheng)多(duo)項工(gong)作(zuo)(zuo)的(de)移動工(gong)作(zuo)(zuo)者來說,霍尼韋爾的(de)Dolphin? 7800企業專用(yong)(yong)數(shu)(shu)字助理(EDA)能夠(gou)以臺式機的(de)速度提(ti)供多(duo)用(yong)(yong)途計算(suan)、通信和數(shu)(shu)據采集,使工(gong)作(zuo)(zuo)者無論在任(ren)何地點都能夠(gou)完(wan)(wan)成(cheng)全部任(ren)務。
霍尼(ni)韋爾honeywell 7800手持終端實物圖
Dolphin7800 企業數字助理 Accessories
7800-CB-1 Dolphin 7800 Charge Base - US Kit. Four-bay terminal charging cradle. Includes US power cord and power supply
7800-EHB-1 Dolphin 7800 eBase - US Kit. Single bay charging cradle with USB and Ethernet connection, and auxiliary battery well for charging an extra battery. Includes US power cord and power supply
7800-HB-1 Dolphin 7800 HomeBase - US Kit. Charging cradle with USB and auxiliary battery well for charging an extra battery. Includes US power cord and power supply
7800-MB-12-A Dolphin 7800 Mobile Base Vehicle Kit. Includes mobile charging cradle, 12V cigarette lighter power adapter and Arkon mounting bracket
7800-MB-12-R Dolphin 7800 Mobile Base Vehicle Kit. Includes mobile charging cradle, 12V cigarette lighter power adapter and RAM mounting bracket
7800-NB-1 Dolphin 7800 Net Base - US Kit. Four-slot Ethernet charging and communication cradle. Incluses serial cable and US power cord/power supply.
7800-MC Dolphin 7800 Mobile Charge Cable kit. Includes 12V vehicle charging adapter and terminal cup
7800-QC-1 Dolphin 7800 Quad Charger - US Kit. Four-slot battery charging station. Includes US power cord and power supply.
7800-USB-1 Dolphin 7800 USB Client Charging and Communications Cable with snap on terminal
connector cup - kit includes power supply, power cord and US adapter
7800-USBH-1 Dolphin 7800 USB Host Charging and Communications Cable with snap on terminal connector cup - kit includes power supply, power cord and US adapter
300001590 Dolphin 99EX/7800 QuadCharger, HomeBase, eBase Power Supply (no cable)
300001640 Dolphin 99EX/7800 Net Base and ChargeBase Power Supply (no cable)
77900506E Cable: power cord, power supply to AC outlet, straight, 1.8m (6.0ft)
7800-BTXC Dolphin 7800 Extended Battery Pack (Li-ion, 3.7V, 14.8 Watt Hour)
7800-BTXCW Dolphin 7800 Extended Battery Pack (Li-ion, 3.7V, 14.8 Watt Hour) for healthcare
7800-BTSC Dolphin 7800 Standard Battery Pack (Li-ion, 3.7V, 8.9 Watt Hour)
80000355E 6 ft. (1.8m) USB Cable
7800-HOLSTER Dolphin 7800 carrying holster with STD integrated belt clip and spare battery pouch
7800-SCRPRO3 Dolphin 7800 screen protectors (3-pack)
7800-STRAP Dolphin 7800 hand strap kit. Includes mounting hardware
7800-STRAPHC Dolphin 7800 healthcare hand strap kit. Includes mounting hardware
7800-STYLUS3 Dolphin 7800 stylus with tether ki STD t. Can be used on terminal and bases (3-pack)
7800-STYLUS3HC Dolphin 7800 healthcare stylus with tet STD her kit. Can be used on terminal and bases (3-pack)
MSDM-8GB 8 GB Micro-SD Memory Card
艾韋迅IVYSUN是霍尼韋爾honeywell采集器的中國區核心經銷商,貨源充足、確保正品。專業的霍尼韋爾honeywell手持終端,手持PDA,手持機,產品技術服務團隊,確保您采購使用無后顧之憂!購買國際品牌掃描器,請認準技術型服務商:艾韋迅IVYSUN (//cztdgg168.com.cn)。
輕巧緊湊的外(wai)形設計: 以便(bian)攜(xie)的外(wai)形構造提供所(suo)需的全部功能,降低(di)使用者的疲勞感
耐用(yong)可(ke)靠(kao)(kao):耐用(yong)的結(jie)構和密封(feng)提(ti)供可(ke)靠(kao)(kao)的操作,最大化(hua)正 常工作時間
卓(zhuo)越的3.5英寸室外可見(jian)的VGA顯示屏:允(yun)許移動(dong)工作者(zhe) 在幾(ji)乎所有光照條(tiao)件下進(jin)行數據操作
快(kuai)速(su)可靠的無(wu)(wu)線(xian)連接: 實現(xian)室內外全面無(wu)(wu)線(xian)覆蓋,允許實 時獲(huo)取主要數據
強大(da)的處理(li)器和網絡連接: 提供快(kuai)速業務(wu)交(jiao)易(yi),使移動(dong)工(gong)(gong) 作(zuo)者能夠快(kuai)速完成(cheng)多個工(gong)(gong)作(zuo)
Remote MasterMind? 遠(yuan)程設(she)備(bei)管(guan)理軟件(jian):提供(gong)一個即(ji)(ji)裝 即(ji)(ji)用的遠(yuan)程設(she)備(bei)管(guan)理方案,可(ke)輕松管(guan)理和追(zhui)蹤已(yi)裝設(she)備(bei), 減(jian)少總(zong)體擁(yong)有成(cheng)本
簡約服(fu)務方案:為用戶投資提供(gong)長(chang)達3年(nian)的全面、無煩擾的 保護,降(jiang)低了總體擁有成(cheng)本
霍尼(ni)韋爾honeywell 7800數據采集(ji)器(qi)參數
霍(huo)尼韋爾(er)honeywell 7800數據采集器應(ying)用